Working as a... Working as an IT professional

«Come on board as a software engineer, application owner or security manager: Our IT world is huge and has a lot to offer!»

Areas of IT at Baloise
Nothing but agile methods.

Agile methods are used to integrate all parties involved in a process into projects, and this includes customers and external partners as well. That's why the working methods are called Scrum and Kanban. For complex processes in particular, projects progress faster because the self-organised teams are more productive. Working independently is simply more fun.

The Scrum process

We use a specific process – the Scrum process – in the software development phase.

In the first step, we collect information on the product requirements of our customers. After that, we hold discussions to determine which tasks can actually be carried out – and in which period of time. Then we launch the iteration phase, which we refer to as a «sprint»and which lasts anywhere between one and four weeks. The «sprint» is a key element in the development cycle.

We also hold a «Daily Scrum» meeting for no more than 15 minutes in which we exchange information on the current status of development projects. These meetings focus on three questions that apply to everyone:

  • Which tasks have you completed since the last meeting?
  • Which tasks will you be working on between now and the next meeting?
  • Are there any problems that are preventing you from completing your tasks?

At the end of every sprint, the team has a neutral and objective discussion about what went well and what needs to be improved. In this and other ways, the team organises itself, and all members are jointly responsible for completing all tasks.

Agile principles

Scrum doesn’t just describe a development cycle; it also utilises agile principles. The following four agile principles serve as the foundation for our collaboration:

  1. individuals and interaction are more important than processes and tools;
  2. functional software is more important than comprehensive documentation;
  3. continual cooperation with customers is more important than contracts;
  4. openness to change and the courage to accept it is more important than following a plan.
We don't make mistakes. We learn.

Our working environment is changing at an ever-faster pace. In such a situation, unclear project boundaries, imprecisely specified “dynamic” requirements and projects not systematically aligned with business utility can lead to huge increases in the amount of time it takes to get products to market, as well as higher opportunity costs. We search for better methods for the sustainable development and operation of software products. Business Engineering is staffed by ambitious, team-focused employees who have an affinity for agility and enjoy developing high-quality software for our internal insurance departments.

Everything from a single source.

Our «IT Applications» unit implements and maintains applications that are used at all Baloise Group companies. Whether it’s SAP for controlling, or HR systems for employee performance appraisals – the unit supplies the right software. We design, customise, develop, test and implement software solutions. Every day, we are dedicated to solutions for our customers. The aim is to structure the application landscape at Baloise Group companies and consolidated it at the Group level, to create synergy effects and reduce IT costs.

The same rules for everybody.

Our «IT Governance» unit serves as a hub for customers, regulators and internal units. On the one hand, IT Governance creates uniform standards and internal regulations, while on the other hand, it works to reduce the risks that can emerge through the use of IT systems.

Everything you need for your work.

Our «IT Infrastructure & Support» unit ensures smooth operation of the entire IT infrastructure in an international environment, which also includes the data centre infrastructure including servers, networks and databases. The focus is on automation, cost optimisation and standardisation, so that all employees throughout the Group share the same work environment.

Baloise IT

Trial and error! Agile working. With the launch of Scrum back in 2010, we are pioneers in IT. We try things out, are successful and develop further. We test things, fail and start something new. Complex issues and processes! We discuss and design our future in collaboration with F10, an incubator and accelerator in Zurich. Insuretech, Fintech and Regtech: Which start-ups have potential? Where are synergies arising? How can we change and revolutionise existing landscapes with your ideas and our expertise?

Current team projects:

  • Development of chat solutions with AI
  • Development of MVPs (minimal viable products) in the blockchain, machine learning and NLP environment
  • Deployment of robotic process automation within the company
  • Creation of a new data warehouse
  • Self-service Web applications for our insurance and banking customers
  • Programming and design of new insurance applications for our administrators

Contact us if you share our spirit and would like to work with us on developing our projects to achieve great things!

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