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Home Email policy
Mailpolicy at Baloise Group.
Mailpolicy Baloise Group

You have sent us an email that was rejected by our IT protection mechanisms. Please first view the error message you received for further information. When necessary, please ask your email provider for further assistance.

In order to protect its users and systems, the Baloise Group reserves the right to temporarily or permanently reject emails if they do not meet the guidelines of the Baloise Group or common standards.

  • The senders of emails must respect the legal requirements in their respective countries, provided these do not conflict with the provisions set forth herein. For senders based in the United States of America, primarily compliance with the «CAN SPAM act» is mandatory.
  • Senders must adhere to the technical standards defined in RFC 5321 and RFC 5322.
  • The delivering server must have a static IP address. This must also be correctly configured. This applies in particular to the correct reverse DNS entry for the IP ad-dress used.
  • Emails containing malicious, immoral or illegal content will be rejected. This applies in particular to
    • emails identified as SPAM
    • emails infected with viruses or trojans, as well as those that provide links to infected web pages
    • emails with content that encourages sedition, instructs people to carry out criminal acts or glorifies violence, or emails that reference websites with such con-tent,
    • emails that aim to illegally obtain the login credentials of the recipient.
  • The Baloise Group reserves the right to make use of external lists, such as IP lists (RBL lists) or hash lists in order to sort and reject emails.
  • In addition, the Baloise Group reserves the right to temporarily or permanently block emails from senders who violate this email policy, and to initiate legal proceed-ings to combat statutory violations.

If you have problems sending emails to Baloise, please contact our postmaster.

Error message Email subject
Incorrect Helo Name

5.7.1 <localhost>: Helo command rejected: You are not me. For further assistance, please visit

It is not permitted to falsify the technical information used in the email (email header) and the sender details. The actual identity of the sender of an email must be apparent for the recipient. A suitable and plausible HELO/EHLO in terms of RFC 5321 must be sent.

Sender address rejected

5.1.8 Sender address rejected: Domain not found. For further assistance, please visit

The delivering server must have a static IP address.. It must also be correctly configured. This applies in particular to the use of the correct reverse DNS entry for the IP address used. The sending server IP address must belong to a registered domain.

Bad sender address syntax

5.1.7 Bad sender address syntax. For further assistance, please visit

The sender email address was not transferred in the right format (see RFC 821).


5.1.1 Recipient address rejected: User unknown in relay recipient table. For further assistance, please visit

The stated recipient does not exist. Either you have entered it incorrectly or the email address has been deleted.

Banned Extension

5.7.0 Reject, id=32261-01 - BANNED: application/octet-stream,.exe,.exe-ms,write.exe. For further assistance, please visit

We reserve the right to reject certain potentially dangerous attachments. In this example message, the write.exe file was rejected.

Office Macro

5.7.0 Reject, id=11211-09 - INFECTED: Heuristics.OLE2.ContainsMacros. For further assistance, visit

Description: We reserve the right to reject mails with office documents which include macros.


5.7.0 Reject, id=28297-01 - INFECTED with Virus: Eicar-Test-Signature. For further assistance, please visit

We reserve the right to reject emails with malware or malicious content (viruses, trojans etc.).


5.7.0 Reject, id=32256-01 - SPAM Mail. For further assistance, please visit

This email was classified as junk  by our AntiSPAM systems and was therefore rejected.

Blocked by Spamhaus

5.7.1 Service unavailable . For further assistance, please visit

Delivery of your email was blocked by our external service provider. Please follow the link stated here for further information and follow the instructions there.

Relay access denied

4.7.1 <>: Relay access denied. For further assistance, please visit

This is a relay access. Your email has been rejected.


Email header / Email body

The email header contains technical information about an email's transmission route. Usually, email headers are not displayed in most email programs and webmail clients.

In contrast, the body of an email (the actual text) is displayed by default. This may consist simply of text or of several elements, such as text and attachments.

IP address (dynamic/static)

Abbreviation for Internet Protocol address. An IP address consists of a numeric code containing four figures from 0 to 255 (e. g. Newer IP addresses (IPv6) are significantly longer and consist of digits and the letters a-f, which are separated from each other by a colon (e.g. 2001:8a2e:0370:0db8:85a3:7344:08d3:1319). This is the numeric address of a specific computer on the Internet. The IP address can be used to unambiguously identify a computer on the network.

In order to enable end users to avoid having to deal with complex numeric sequences, there is something called the Domain Name System, which converts IP addresses into alphanumeric identifiers. This can be used, for example, to convert the IP address into the Baloise Group.

As an infinite number of IP addresses is not available, private ports are usually allocated dynamic IP addresses. If the connection to a dynamic IP address is interrupted, the next available number is assigned when the connection is re-established.

In contrast, static IP addresses are mainly used for computers that provide services on the Internet and which should always be accessible at the same IP address (e.g. Baloise).

Mailer daemon

Mailer daemons are the error messages that are sent from an email server to the original sender if an email is undeliverable. Other terms used for this are Bounce or Bounce Message and Delivery Status Notification (DSN).


Phishing emails attempt to obtain personal data from users. In general, users are asked to disclose access details for email accounts, information about credit cards or access data and transaction numbers for bank accounts. The phisher creates fake emails that give the impression of being from a trustworthy company.

Proxy server

A proxy server provides an interface to a computer network. Such a proxy server ensures that all the computers connected in a network can communicate with the outside world. Mobile operators also frequently use proxy servers to control Internet communications from mobile devices.

RBL list (Realtime Blackhole List)

IP addresses are gathered in an RBL list. Such lists can be used before establishing a connection in order to decide whether certain senders may submit emails to the recipient system or with which level of spam probability such emails are to be marked. There are several types of such lists. Some list IP addresses from which the owner of the list does not want emails to be sent or from which the owner does not want to receive emails. Other lists contain IP addresses that are known to be responsible for the transmission of email spam.


Ein Relay ist ein Mailserver, der von anderen Mailserver E-Mail nach definierten Kriterien annimmt und weiterleitet. Ein unsicher konfigurierter SMTP-Relay-Server ist ein sogenanntes Offenes Mail-Relay und leitet auch E-Mails weiter, für die er nicht zuständig ist.


Scams refer to a special kind of email spam. Recipients are tricked into believing they could win a large sum of money or be part of a very good financial deal. This usually involves the email recipient having to make an up-front payment and then failing to obtain the promised outcome.


Spam is the term used for unsolicited email advertising. In technical terms, spam is usually separated into Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE), which is spam with a commercial background, and Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE), which cover other mass emails.