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Health – a precious asset
Blog Health – a precious asset
Kim Berrendorf April 7, 2020
We are using this World Health Day on 7 April in these extraordinary times as an opportunity to raise awareness regarding the vital role played by our health – both as it relates to the novel coronavirus and otherwise.

2020 – spotlight on nursing staff

The topic of health is attracting more attention than usual in light of the current situation. But regardless of the ongoing healthcare crisis, it is vital that we reflect on the fundamental importance of our health, a functioning healthcare system and the work of those in the healthcare system who look after our health every day.

In this International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, World Health Day will – in addition to the rounds of applause for medical personnel at the moment – highlight the current state of nursing, thus helping to uncover certain shortcomings and change these for the future.

Health as an indispensable foundation

Being healthy is the basis for being an active member of our society. Being healthy means you can go to work, use services, enjoy leisure activities and engage, thus assuming an active role in society and the economy. Without this basis, our life, our society and our economy would falter.

That is why it is important not only for individuals to look after their own health, but for the collective and companies too.

Collective aid for well-being

The current crisis holds a mirror up to us and shows the need to form a joint response to protect the health of all. But even outside of this situation there is a need to campaign collectively for the health and well-being of others.

As a company we support various organisations that look after the well-being of people with serious illnesses at our different locations in Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and Switzerland.

By donating to organisations like Ring gegen Krebs (German only), Fondation Cancer (German or French), ALAN – Maladies Rares Luxembourg or CaFée mit Herz (German only) and collecting donations for various organisations in the course of the De Warmste Week (Flemish only) Charity Week in Belgium, we promote well-being within society and prevention. 

In addition to financial assistance, part of this for us is giving the gift of joy and time spent together; for instance, our employees in Switzerland are involved in the PluSport Day (German only) for people with disabilities. All these campaigns help us to generate value for society, both inside and outside of the field of healthcare.

The health of our employees

The health of our employees is a valuable asset, and not just when it comes to working from home in these times of crisis. Baloise offers its employees across all locations a corporate health management scheme. As well as promoting physical health with ergonomics training, sports activities, healthy food, various workshops, courses, evaluations and health tips, mental health is equally essential to ensuring an optimum state of health. This helps us to create value not just for our employees, but, through their performance, for our customers, partners and investors too.

Stress management, meditation, advice on work-life balance and case management to support employees in difficult situations are essential services to promote the health of our employees in the long term. The aim here is not only to retain productivity, but to ensure a high level of employee satisfaction – something that has made us one of the most popular employers.

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