Trading in 2023 was upbeat following a turbulent 2022. Despite the persistent geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainty, the financial markets were extraordinarily resilient. Realised gains on equities and an increase in distributions from alternative financial assets had a positive effect on earnings. However, the strong Swiss franc necessitated more foreign currency hedging, meaning that net investment income was marginally down overall.
Baloise’s range of occupational pensions includes comprehensive BVG insurance contracts and partially autonomous solutions. Demand for comprehensive BVG insurance from Baloise increased compared with the prior year. A total of CHF 80 million was allocated to the surplus fund. In the area of retirement savings above the income threshold, a net interest income of 1.25% and thus a total interest rate of 1.5% was distributed to customers. The payout rate for business subject to the minimum quota was 92.5 per cent. Baloise’s comprehensive BVG insurance model is proving to be an attractive solution amid geopolitical volatility as it gives customers comprehensive peace of mind due to the investment risk being borne by Baloise Life.
The partially autonomous foundation Perspectiva continued to grow well, adding more than 850 new customers. Counting just under 5,000 participating companies and total assets of around CHF 1.6 billion, the collective foundation has reached a considerable size. With a return of 6.00 per cent, the foundation outperformed the rest of the market in 2023. This further strengthens Baloise’s position in the market for partially autonomous solutions while providing an attractive pension solution for more than 20,000 policyholders.
Challenges in the occupational pension business persist and policymakers adopted reforms for the Swiss Federal Law on Occupational Retirement, Survivors’ and Disability Pension Plans (BVG) in 2023. These reforms, which are due to be put to a popular referendum on 22 September 2024, are necessary to ensure pensions are sustainable. Baloise is backing acceptance at the forthcoming referendum. The lowering of the statutory minimum conversion rate, in particular, is a crucial step towards strengthening occupational pensions. Together with the other measures, it will place the funding of pension benefits on a stable footing despite longer life expectancy.