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Democracy does not happen, democracy is lived

Marc Sandmeier

September 15, 2023

Democracy cannot be taken for granted and needs participation. Baloise does its share to shape and promote democracy with various measures. Democracy is a successful model and it should stay that way – also thanks to our support.

Switzerland’s direct democracy relies to a considerable degree on citizens’ engagement and involvement in political discourse. If this access to politics is missing, the result is increased distancing. There are many reasons for this and the consequences are obvious: no participation, lack of interest and thus no hearing of a broad diversity of opinion and emerging rifts between people and politics. So what does democracy need to function well, to be healthy and strong, and to be able to face possible challenges with confidence? In addition to society as a whole, companies certainly also have a duty. A progressive work culture with future-oriented work concepts and the way employees deal with political offices, voluntary work or charitable activities demonstrates a company’s understanding of democracy. Baloise fulfils this responsibility with various measures and activities.

“Change Switzerland!”

Baloise is committed to the political education of trainees and, through its partnership with “” as part of the “Change Switzerland” campaign, Baloise creates the conditions for their concerns to be heard. Using an online platform, youths and young adults can each submit political ideas and proposals for change at the federal level in the spring. This gives them a say and allows them to participate in shaping Switzerland. Baloise provides the necessary time for this in the training programme and enables the trainees to talk to specialists from different divisions in workshops, ask questions, develop their own ideas and receive support in working out their concerns.

“Futures Literacy” workshop

At the beginning of 2024, Baloise trainees will be looking at the future of Switzerland and learning in a playful way to think systematically about possible prospects or to take the common future into their own hands.
The individual reflections and teamwork in the “Futures Literacy” workshop revolve around future societal issues and scenarios with changing framework conditions in democracy, society and the economy of Switzerland.

Partner network to strengthen International Day of Democracy

For two years, Baloise has maintained a partnership with the Campus for Democracy – Dialogue Foundation. The date 15 September has been declared International Day of Democracy by the United Nations General Assembly. The aim of the day is to promote and defend the principles of democracy. In Switzerland, the day is celebrated with numerous actions.

«Baloise Volontario»

Baloise supports its employees’ commitment to politics, people, the community, animals or nature alongside their jobs. “Baloise Volontario” is an annual event dedicated to the topic of community and volunteer work. This involves internal networking and an exchange of experiences as well as tips on how to combine a job and voluntary activities well.

Avenir Suisse transfer event

Together with other insurers, Baloise supports the independent think tank Avenir Suisse in organising the annual transfer event. The event is always dedicated to thanking all insurance employees who are involved in politics and society in a public service capacity.

By strengthening democracy, companies strengthen themselves. A stable democracy also ensures an attractive business location. And that must be in the interest of every company and a reason to put a focus on the interface between politics, business and society.

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