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Most innovative insurance product 2019 – Baloise wins Oscar of the insurance industry
Blog Most innovative insurance product 2019 – Baloise wins Oscar of the insurance industry
Fiona Egli June 19, 2020 Products
Safe surfing on the Internet, safe social media activities, safe online shopping for the whole family: Baloise's "Cyber Safe Family" is the most innovative insurance product of 2019. In addition to gold, Baloise also won bronze at this year's Efma-Accenture Innovation in Insurance Awards ceremony on 17 June 2020 with the "Helicus Aero Initiative".

Gold and bronze: the European Financial Management Association (Efma) and Accenture awarded two insurance solutions of Baloise Insurance Belgium at this year's Innovation in Insurance Awards. "Cyber Safe Family and the Helicus Aero Initiative are two insurance products that resulted from Baloise's goal to offer our customers simply safe solutions. I am very pleased that Baloise Insurance Belgium was honored twice at this year's Efma-Accenture Innovation in Insurance Awards and was able to present itself as an innovator and thought leader in the international insurance industry", says Henk Janssen, CEO Baloise Insurance Belgium.

"Cyber Safe Family" wins gold in the category "Product & Service Innovation"

85% of Belgians surf on the Internet daily for 5 hours a day on average. Being online 21% of the day means being exposed to cyber risks for the same amount of time. With "Cyber Safe Family", Baloise Insurance has launched the first cyber insurance for private individuals on the Belgian market in 2019. The insurance solution offers customers and their family the ideal protection when they are online. The Baloise insurance product covers criminal incidents relating to online shopping, surfing on the Internet and social media activities.

The "Helicus Aero Initiative" wins bronze in the category "Connected Insurance & Ecosystems"

Simply safe on the way: The "Helicus Aero Initiative" is a unique ecosystem that enables medical transport by drone. The project involves renowned institutions from industry and science as well as Baloise. Baloise Insurance is the first insurance company in Belgium to insure the transport of blood and tissue samples by drone and to provide financial safety in the event of complications during the transport.

A platform for innovation and inspiration

Since 2016, Efma and Accenture have annually honored the most innovative products and services in the insurance sector. From start-ups to large corporations – all insurance companies worldwide can submit innovations. An international jury consisting of 21 insurance experts evaluated the 360 innovations submitted by 240 institutions from 45 countries on the basis of their originality, their strategic capacity to generate long-term competitive edge and return on investment and their adaptability for use in other markets and countries. The chance to win an Efma-Accenture Innovation in Insurance Award in one of the six categories was given to 70 innovations that were nominated by the jury for the final round. After the pre-selection process, 3,126 voters finally chose the winners in a two-week vote. Due to the corona pandemic, the award ceremony took place on 17 June 2020 as a virtual event.

Innovation in the insurance industry