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What is Corporate Social Responsiblity?
Blog What is Corporate Social Responsiblity?
Dominik Marbet May 15, 2019 Sustainability
When we speak of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) we are referring to all our activities where we assume responsibility for our society. But replacing CSR with “social responsibility” does not really give an accurate description of the overall picture. In simpler terms, we do things on a voluntary basis that benefit society as a whole across a number of fields.

Voluntary social engagement and promotion of the Swiss militia system

As well as offering voluntary projects, Baloise also hosts regular events on the subject to motivate its staff. By offering flexible working structures that make it easier for everyone to take part in projects alongside their job, we are supporting their political commitment too.

Among our services to the community over the past few years are, for example, the hike in the Creux du Van region, the PluSport Day, which will be held again on 7 July 2019, voluntary work at the “Tierheim beider Basel” animal shelter, helping young mothers re-enter the job market, job application training for the long-term unemployed and our support for the “Fonds Emilie Leus” foundation in Belgium. By signing the economiesuisse and Swiss Employers’ Federation Declaration, which underlines the importance of the militia principle, we have publicly pledged ourselves to this commitment.

By participating in initiatives like “Change Switzerland!” by and the “Wirtschaftswochen”, which took place from 6 and 10 May 2019, we are promoting not only the commitment of our employees but also the political and business education of young people.

Environmental activities

We give the term “social” a broader interpretation in our CSR activities and include the environment in this as well. Three times a year we organise various environmental missions where our employees volunteer for a day. One such campaign, for example, has involved actively supporting the preservation of the Entlebuch UNESCO biosphere reserve for the past five years.

Baloise Digital Pathfinders

Our Digital Pathfinders are providing a service to society by sharing their know-how. This is becoming more and more important in times of advancing digitalisation. Baloise Digital Pathfinders will be in attendance at a number of events over the course of the year to present the Baloise Digital Survival Quiz, Smart Home and other exciting campaigns. It’s worth having a look!

Why are we doing this?

In our view, we at Baloise are just as much a member of society as any private individual. This means that Baloise also bears responsibility for helping our society develop sustainably. The common goal of all our different activities is to give something back to society and make a contribution as a corporate citizen.

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