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Our responsibility to our shareholders

«With our refocussing strategy, we are raising the return on equity and ensuring consistently strong cash generation. Our reliable dividend policy and a payout ratio of at least 80 per cent underline Baloise's position as a sustainably attractive investment for shareholders.»

Carsten Stolz, Head of Finance

Carsten Stolz

CFO of Baloise

Share of Baloise Holding Ltd

Share price & key figuresShare price, key figures and statistics on the Baloise share.
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DividendsOverview of our attractive dividend policy.
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Analysts' recommendationsAnalyst recommendations for the Baloise share.
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Share buy-backInformation & documents on the share buy-back programme.
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Equity StoryRead more about our success factors and strengths.
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ContactWe are happy to answer all your questions about the Baloise share.
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