Working as a... Working as a mathematician

«Risk management, actuarial and pricing all call for your in-depth mathematical knowledge.»

Mathematician jobs

Risk management, actuarial and pricing are three areas in which we rely in part on a complex understanding of mathematics. We have high ambitions and are very much aware that we must keep it that way. We operate in an environment that is geared towards risk, on a European level. At Group level in particular, we have close ties with top management, are responsible for ambitious Group projects and, in this context, are an intelligent interface with other areas in Switzerland and abroad. Rather than being routine, our work involves developing and researching and requires us to be very much in touch with the major themes of the future: artificial intelligence and data mining are becoming increasingly crucial for us.

The tools we use are modern frameworks such as SST, Solvency II, IFRS and MCEV. Our strength lies in the fact that we are specialists who share knowledge with each other and, in so doing, increase it.

Good social skills are increasingly important for our employees. Our stakeholders are from different areas and countries. We must understand their language, communicate abstract concepts in terms that are easy to understand and persuade them.  

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Country All BE CH DE LI LU Location Radius +10 Km +30 Km +50 Km +100 Km Occupation Actuarial / Mathematics / Risk Management Apprenticeships Asset / Portfolio Management / Investment Controlling Assistant / Administration Banking: Customer Advice Banking: Customer Service Banking: Investments / Trading Banking: Loans / Mortgages Banking: Specialists Courses for High School Graduates (WMS/IMS) Finance / Controlling / Audit Human Resources Insurance: Broker Management Insurance: Claims / Benefits Insurance: Customer Support Insurance: Insurance Agents Insurance: Specialists Insurance: Telemarketing IT / Data Science Jobs for students Legal / Taxes / Compliance / Wealth Planning Marketing / Communication Process / Project Management Purchasing / Logistics / Facility Management Real Estate Strategy / Business Development Trainee / Internships Underwriting / Product Management
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