Baloise as an employer Simply diverse | Diversity and inclusion
Different personalities, diverse expertise: diversity is the driving force behind our special corporate culture. 7,900 employees breathe life into the Baloise strategy Simply Safe and shape our future with their individuality. As a result, collaboration becomes an experience beyond teams, departments and countries.
Innovative and successful

We are convinced that diversity makes us stronger. The more colourful a culture, the more diverse the people and thus the bigger the success. Inclusion counts! A simple calculation which contributes toward one of our strategy goals: We would like to be within the top ten per cent of the best employers in our industry by 2021. An important guideline within our culture is the Baloise CODE which provides some rules for our diversity. It comprises behavioural values on which we have agreed and which provide a framework for the various needs within society and the labour market.

Diversity and inclusion require structure
Diversity Board

Employees from various departments at Baloise are ambassadors and gauge the mood within their areas. How do we practice diversity and inclusion? What experiences are shared in the network? Which measures are discussed and implemented? From here, the respective decisions flow into the Baloise world.

Diversity coordination centre

The coordination centre (with 40 per cent workload) is located in the HR department in Switzerland. This is where fields of action are analysed, responsibilities are coordinated and measures are implemented. We would like to take this opportunity to give our heartfelt thanks to all Baloise employees who have aided us in driving diversity forward.

Diversity and inclusion require goals

What is important to us when it comes to living and working together? Making the most of our different strengths and personalities – while remaining mutually respectful and accepting of each other. Sharing our knowledge and learning from one another. Our culture is based on appreciation and a willingness to continue developing. The more diverse we are, the more broadly we are represented – moving toward more balance across all age groups and genders, including within management. Our asset in the labour market!

Embodying diversity and inclusion

Old and young working together creates true benefits. The courage to try out new things meets with confidence and experience, a modern mindset with masterful skills. A great opportunity for mutual learning.

  • Participation in the Late Careers research project with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) and the University of Applied Sciences St.Gallen (FHS)
  • Participation in the 50+ job exchange with the Trade Association of the Canton of Basel-Stadt (GVBS)
  • Concept development for older specialists and part-time careers
Diversity and inclusion are measured

Diversity and inclusion should be lived and felt here - but also measured by concrete figures. This is the only way we can track where we are already well positioned in terms of diversity and where we can become even more diverse and inclusive. That is why we participate in the Diversity Benchmarking of the University of St. Gallen, which measures different dimensions of diversity - for example gender and age, but also nationality and language - and makes them comparable with other companies.


We advocate for gender equality. How do we do this? By carrying out equal pay analyses and keeping any inequalities under three per cent. We discuss our talented employees with a focus on women on an annual basis, we sponsor the Global Summit of Women in Basel and are a part of the Women Board Awards. Both internally and externally, we support talk events and networks which keep an active dialogue.


Baloise is home to a network in which lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer individuals can organise events, exchange ideas and promote diversity.


7,900 employees in five countries speak numerous languages, cherish a wide range of cultures and work successfully under one roof. We love and embody our differences while seeking a consensus and the greatest possible success together.

More information about Baloise
Accolades How independent platforms evaluate us.
Sustainability Baloise is fundamentally sustainable.
Our culture - courageous & humane Real people, equal footing, community
Balance & Health Flexible working models. Healthy environment.